The Lower Zambezi National Park

This park’s attractiveness lies in the fact that it is still largely undeveloped. Although the variety of species is not as great as in other large parks, the chances to see game meandering along the Zambezi canals at close range are spectacular. The entire area on both sides of the Zambezi River is a vast wildlife sanctuary because the Park is located just across from Zimbabwe’s renowned Mana Pools Reserve.

Ebony and fig trees, as well as a lush riverine fringe, hang over the river’s edge. A floodplain further in is surrounded by mopane woodland and dotted with enormous acacia and winterthorn trees. Broadleaf woodland covers the hills that serve as the park’s backdrop.

Despite the Lower Zambezi National Park’s 4092 square kilometer size, the majority of the wildlife is confined to the valley floor. The majority of the park’s animal species are physically restrained by an escarpment along the northern edge. At the side of the river, enormous herds of elephant, some numbering up to 100, are frequently spotted. Buffalo and waterbuck “island hopping” is prevalent. As well as having healthy populations of lions and leopards, the park is home to several fish eagles.